Monday, August 23, 2004

Can mounting a light fixture be that difficult!?

So me and Twin#2 got together this weekend with the Wives and picked up a new ceiling light fixture. Once we got home with it we went ahead and broke the box open to mount it in the ceiling. Thing is this fixture has some of the WORST directions I have ever seen. I felt like I was looking at ancient Egyptian hyroglyphs and needed some Professor from Yale to help me with deciphering it.

So we decided to wing it and skip the directions...too bad the drywallers for the house decided it was best to drywall over the electric box in the ceiling leaving enough space just for the wires to poke thru. I think it was about 40 minutes later that we chipped enough drywall away to mount the new fixture.

Then the real fun began....Someone had to hold the fixture high enough with their hands so we could wire it. The wire connectors weren't being our friend either and it took three tries until they finally stayed connected. I think total time to mount it was at least 2 hours. Hope I don't have to mount one of those for a long time but at least the house didn't burn to the ground and the Wife is happy. That is really all that matters in the end isn't it?


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