Friday, August 20, 2004

I am a Right Winger...Don't Panic!

I don't know if you have been following the John Kerry Vs. The Swift Boat Veterans but it is not looking good for our old buddy John Boy. He keeps protesting that the Swift Boat Vets are puppets for Bush but I disagree. Yeah, they might be financed by a Republican with deep pockets but they are not connected directly with the Bush Campaign and if you can prove to me that similar Left wing groups who love Kerry aren't financed by some heavy wallet Dems I will eat my hat.

If Kerry really wants to clear up the mystery surrounding his time in Vietnam then he should release all his military records to the public by filling out the 180 form . C'mon Kerry it isn't that difficult...throw us a bone here.

I will have serious doubts about Kerry's gun battle fairy tales until this happens. You can say what you want but it seems to me that Kerry his using his truth to describe what happened in Nam and not the facts. Let me know what you think...I listen to all sides....I am fair and balanced. MrBo


At August 20, 2004 at 12:19 PM, Blogger Ricardo said...

I am Portuguese and i usually don´t give my opinions in other countries internal policies. But Bush does have a great influence in the world. I think Kerry is not a very good candidat, but i have to say that i don´t like the way the world is becaming with Bush policies. The media in the US are becoming too patriotic (in a bad sense), the foreign policy is incoerent, the economy has no strategy, the investment is being canalized to weapons and the world is not safer, the war on terror has failed. In my humble opinion, and in my bad english, America is killing is own dream... so why not Kerry? It is time to lower the influence of oil and weapons lobbies in the US Government.

PS I saw 9/11 (Moore) and didn´t like it, too forced. But the reasons of the hate against Bush in the world don´t need a movie. His policies in the world (Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Angola; Afghanistan) speak for himself. Who is gaining with the rise of oil and the escalation of war?

At August 20, 2004 at 12:36 PM, Blogger KazAdventurers said...

Ricardo I appreciate your opinion and understand what you mean. Some of the things that have happened while Bush is in office may look unnecessary or like we are the global police but they are I believe necessary to protecting the US and it's citizens.

I hope that global terrorism can be brought under control but not as a purely US initiative since it impacts all of us but as more of a global concern. Also, I think that OIL and Weapons lobbies will be an issue no matter who is in office.

As far as 9/11(Moore) is concerned I think that most of that film is pure propaganda spun by Moore to incite hate and rebellion to the right.

At August 20, 2004 at 1:01 PM, Blogger Jared Lucas said...

I agree with your thoughts on Kerry's service in Vietnam he should be straight forward with the public instead of constantly bashing Bush for funding these ads. Simply put Bush is not funding these ads they're are produced by independent groups that favor Bush.

and as for Micheal Moore he's nothing more than a Bush Basher masking as a film director.

At August 21, 2004 at 10:07 PM, Blogger Ricardo said...

It is funny if you think that this are the right pollicies to keep US safe. But ok, choices. As for 9/11 i didn´t liked the film, it was too forced.... but noone can deny that Democracy is not the will of citizens, it is teh will of the minorities (the lobbies). For how long is it sustentable?


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